Post by sepherian on Feb 22, 2016 18:16:43 GMT
i have learned from video how to make paragon setup for character, then i found that once i press the hotkey, the setup stopped at paragonpoints setup screen, and clicked relocated points and then stopped. Whats more, my left click of my mouse keep at selecting funtion even though i stop d3helper. Then i have to restart computer to make mouse works fine again.
Can anyone tell me how to solve this?
im running with latest version of d3helper and have all windows upgrade installed, and other funtion like autogamble or skill spelling works fine for me.
Post by Manni on Feb 1, 2017 23:56:38 GMT
have the same problem paragon window pops up real quick but nothing happens ? Can someone help ?
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Posts: 3
Post by moser on Jan 28, 2018 10:43:44 GMT
What language d3 client are you use? Paragon spend work only on eng d3.