Post by tms on Jan 23, 2016 19:35:00 GMT
While creating Conditions, i was always thinking from left to right it's an AND and not OR.
Means, if i say:
Player_Skill_IsNotOnCooldown->Player_IsBuffNotActive->World_BossInRange it should only trigger IF skill not on CD AND Buff is not Active AND Boss is in Range.
But for me (Ignore Pain in this case) it triggers on Player_Skill_IsNotOnCooldown->World_MonstersInRange even without any monsters close.
It does not trigger if i remove the Player_Skill_IsNotOnCooldown without monsters close, and fires correct if they are close.
So, is that an bug, do i something wrong or what happen here ?
How do i import and export conditions ??
Post by paddy187 on Jan 23, 2016 20:29:14 GMT
import and export is in the skilleditor on the buttom right the two arrow buttons
Post by toxicphenom on Jan 23, 2016 21:35:49 GMT
Sometimes i think there are hidden "monster". Then it fire even if there is no real mob. Had that also in some locations. Do you get it everywhere?
make sure you set the checkbox so that it checks if more than the given amount of mobs are required. Without checking the box it checks if LESS than the amount is around.
Post by tms on Jan 24, 2016 10:01:04 GMT
Yeah, it's more that i think that sometimes the conditions are 'defect'. Yesterday morning and the whole day they worked, and then stopped working. Same with Rend a few days ago - worked for a while then stopped working and i did not change anything.
Post by tms on Jan 24, 2016 10:29:16 GMT
Just tried it again.
Warcry (Barbar)
Player_Power_IsNotOn Cooldown->PLayer_IsBuff_NotActive and the buff just dont trigger. PowerSNO is 375483 and AttribID 755. The AttribID is 1 if the buff is running and 0 if not.
For my understanding it should trigger, but it doesent. What makes it even more weird : It did used to work until it stopped working suddenly.
Post by toxicphenom on Jan 24, 2016 17:29:57 GMT
The condition is correct. One possibility is when you have a skill with a condition which gets cast constantly. I tested with "battle rage" as i did not updated the +9 attID it was constantly recast because it thought there is no buff. Because of that, war cry was not cast. Like:
In this case war cry gets never casted because there always something which gets cast beforehand and then the routine starts all over again. Your condition was then correctly cast.
I dont know in which order the spells get cast, maybe "r3peat" can give an insight, i did not check the source yet.
Post by tms on Jan 24, 2016 18:35:35 GMT
It was not the +9, i changed that after patch, and the conditions worked until they stopped working. I reinstalled into an different directory and recreated the conditions and now they work again (they did this morning before i logged off). I think something destroys the conditions and if you dont pay attention while creating sometimes it says something like : Do this OR OR Do that (see the double OR?) In this case you can delete the condition and start new. Fun fact: If you would export that, it would look fine but it wont work. Every Skillcondition is saved in an seperate file - i like that. But it would have been better to save them in xml not in an binary format There are some bugs in D3Helper - and dont get me wrong i dont complain !! - but you have to be careful creating conditions if they are longer.
Post by toxicphenom on Jan 24, 2016 19:30:49 GMT
Yes of course, you have to be careful. But as d3Helper isn't updated any longer, besides offsets, there will be no fixes. Currently i don't really have the motivation to get into c# again, as i dont know how long i will play d3. Its an on/off relationship.
Also the crusader skill "phalanx" bugs out. It doesn't get saved correctly and will create a 0 byte file, which causes everything to bug out. Maybe there are some more of that kind.
PS: The +9 attributID i was referring to was that I did not update them for battle rage, because of that it would spam it. Creating a situation where other conditions would not be cast.