Letterbox graphics setting?
Post by Letterbox graphics setting? on Nov 8, 2015 19:52:03 GMT
THUD does support it, so it is possible for D3Helper aswell why it is not supported?
i use 1920x1200 resolution and if i disable Letterbox setting, some pixels from left side of screen and right side of the screen will get cut (like image crop), and make horizontal view angle smaller, also it will make whole interface scaled to larger scale and look unconvenient.
With Letterbox enabled THUD is displayed right, but D3_Helper overlay icon borders and bottom-left Helper's version label are placed incorrectly
Post by R3peat on Nov 9, 2015 16:06:56 GMT
gimme a screenshot so i know how it looks like cause i only have 1920x1080 screens and cant reproduce it
Post by paddy187 on Nov 10, 2015 20:45:52 GMT
windowmode and d3perfs.txt to simulate a higher resolution or does not work?
Post by icocidu on May 8, 2019 17:42:04 GMT